GMR 88: Homestead Exemptions and Property Taxes

Buying your first home can be exciting! But there’s also a lot about homeownership you may not know; the kind of things that can save you money. On this episode of GMR, we talk about what homestead exemptions are and what you need to know about them. We also discuss ways to ensure you’re not paying more than you should on property taxes.

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Leo SaboComment
GMR 87: Budget Basics - This is How We Do It!

Budgeting is not a one size fits all. We are all different in so many ways that trying to find one way of managing money that everyone can use is, well, impossible. In this episode of GMR, David and I get personal about how we manage our budgets in hopes that you will understand the basics and build and run a budget that works for you.

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Leo SaboComment
GMR 86: The One Step to Better Finances

When it comes to managing money well, most people feel less than adequate. Listening to the ‘experts’ isn’t helping, it actually makes us feel even more confused. On this episode of Getting Money Right, we share a simple yet powerful step to help you succeed in your finances.

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Leo SaboComment
GMR 85: The Financial Superpower

Everyone wants to know the secret to financial freedom. You can’t get through a single day without seeing something on the news or social media about it. On this episode of GMR, we’ll introduce you to the on thing, the Financial Superpower that will get you there. And guess what?  Anyone can do it!

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Leo SaboComment
GMR 83: F.I.R.E - Is It Right For You?

Financially Independent, Retire Early (FIRE) is a movement that started more than 27 years ago.  It’s an interesting approach to retirement, but is it a sound retirement plan, and more importantly, is it right for you?  In this episode of GMR, we’ll explore this growing movement and what if any aspects of it might benefit you.

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Leo SaboComment
GMR 82: Which is better, leasing or buying a car?

With the average price of cars continuing to rise, leasing has become more popular in recent years, especially for luxury brands.  But, is leasing really a less expensive way to drive?  In this episode of Getting Money Right, you'll learn everything there is to know about leasing to help you decide which is best for you, leasing or buying.

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Leo SaboComment
GMR 81: How Marketing Pushes You to Spend More

Marketing is BIG business and it’s EVERYWHERE!  Whether you’re checking your media feed, doing your online banking, or driving down the street, you’re being influenced by marketing.  On this episode of GMR well share ways marketing pushes you to spend beyond what’s good for you and what you can do to overcome their influence.

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Leo SaboComment
GMR 80: Pay Off Student Loans Cheaper and Faster

Student loans can delay or keep you from many of the good things you’d like to do. That’s why it’s so important to pay off your student loans as quickly as possible. On this episode of Getting Money Right, we’re sharing 6 steps to help you pay off your student loans cheaper and faster.

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Leo SaboComment
GMR 79: The Student Loan Debt Crisis Part 2

Student Loan debt is now at 1.6 trillion dollars, a figure that has tripled since 2005. To understand the magnitude of this number, consider that credit card debt is only 1 trillion dollars. For those with student loans this crisis is all too real, but this predicament may soon impact many without student loan debt.

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Leo SaboComment
GMR 78: The Student Loan Debt Crisis

Student Loan debt is now at 1.6 trillion dollars, a figure that has tripled since 2005. To understand the magnitude of this number, consider that credit card debt is only 1 trillion dollars.  For those with student loans this crisis is all too real, but this predicament may soon impact many without student loan debt.

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Leo SaboComment
GMR 77: 7 Money Tips for College Graduates Part 3

Congratulations to all the recent graduates!  To honor those who have worked hard to accomplish this great achievement, we’re sharing 7 money tips to help them build a solid financial foundation for their life.  If you’re not a recent grad, that’s ok, these tips can help you too!

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Leo SaboComment
GMR 76: 7 Money Tips for College Graduates Part 2

Congratulations to all the recent graduates!  To honor those who have worked hard to accomplish this great achievement, we’re sharing 7 money tips to help them build a solid financial foundation for their life.  If you’re not a recent grad, that’s ok, these tips can help you too!

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Leo SaboComment
GMR 75: 7 Money Tips for College Graduates

Congratulations to all the recent graduates!  To honor those who have worked hard to accomplish this great achievement, we’re sharing 7 money tips to help you build a solid financial foundation for your life.  If you’re not a recent grad, that’s ok, these tips can help you too!

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Leo SaboComment
GMR 74: Biblically Responsible Investing

Investing in the Market is investing in companies. How those companies conduct themselves and what they’re involved in matters because as part owner what they do personally reflects on you, whether good or bad. On this episode of GMR, we talk with David Sandhu, a financial planner whose specialty is Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI). Find out why BRI is important and why you don’t have to sacrifice your beliefs to invest responsibly and make a good return on your investments.

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Leo Sabo Comment
GMR 73: 4 Financial Steps to Purposeful Living Part 2

Episode 73
The world acts as if money is THE most important thing in life. We disagree! Money is not the most important thing, but money can be that vehicle that helps you accomplish that which is most important.  On this episode of Getting Money Right we conclude our 4 Financial Steps to Purposeful Living.  It’s a way of managing money that ensures your life is lived with purpose and impact.

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Leo Sabo

The world acts as if money is THE most important thing in life. We disagree! Money is not the most important thing, but money can be that vehicle that helps you accomplish that which is most important.  On this episode of Getting Money Right we introduce you to our 4 Financial Steps to Purposeful Living.  It’s a way of managing money that ensures your life is lived with purpose and impact.

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Leo SaboComment
GMR 70: Social Security Is In Trouble, Are You? Part 2

The precarious position of the Social Security Program has been in the news lately, and for good reason.  It’s due to run out of money in the next 15 years. Is there anything that can be done to salvage it?  More importantly, how will this impact you personally if the program goes away or the benefits are severely reduced?  In this episode, we discuss what’s caused the current shortfall in the program and what the potential outcome will be as we look to the future. We’ll also share some thoughts on what you should be doing to prepare.

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Leo SaboComment