A Different Kind of Conference - Tribe Conference 2017


What's your idea of a great conference?  Do you like to be motivated or educated?  Perhaps you like a little bit of both.

Over the past 11 years, I’ve attended countless conferences.  I’ve also been involved in putting on a few conferences, which is a different sort of undertaking.  It's rewarding, but a whole lot of work, so I can truly appreciate when a conference is done well.

I enjoy attending two or three conferences per year.  Blocking off a few days to focus on my own personal development is of tremendous benefit.  So when I signed up to attend the Tribe Conference in Franklin, TN my expectation was to learn, be challenged, and get inspired, and boy did they deliver!

Tribe Conference is a gathering of writers, artists, and creatives who want to grow their craft and get the attention their work deserve.

The whole event was amazing.  From the speakers to the host and the entire staff, everyone did a fantastic job of making the experience one of a kind.  The content covered a variety of topics from writing, story telling, speaking, and many aspects of growing your platform to increase the reach of your message.

I’ve never attended a conference where every person I met, without exception, was happy, engaging, helpful, and excited to be there. 


Here are a few nuggets I took away from the event:

  • Believe it until you become it. - Jeff Goins
  • Turn your mess into a message - no experience is wasted when you use it to help others. - Ishita Gupta
  • Find the thing that works best for you and focus on it. - Jackie Bledsoe
  • Start investing in yourself - literally, be willing to spend 5 percent of your income on learning and growing. - Dan Miller
  • Listen to your frustrations, what are they telling you? - Tsh Oxenreider
  • Show up every day - every day and every step is forward progress. - Sean McCabe
  • What if you created as much as you consumed? - Sean McCabe
  • Be present, be helpful, be brave. - Jeff Goins
  • Focus and finish - do one task at a time until finished. - Crystal Paine
  • Don’t wait until it’s perfect. - Dan Miller
  • Never stop learning - hire a coach to learn and grow. - Dan Miller
  • Put your reader at the heart of every decision. - Leo Babauta

This conference was just what I needed.  I was challenged in so many ways, but also encouraged more than I could express.  I found my tribe and I’m already planning to go back next year.

If you have a passion and a message that’s inside of you that you know needs to get out, this is the conference for you.  Tribe will equip, encourage, and empower you to be brave and share your story, your passion, and your gifts with the world.

Leo SaboWriting, Blog2 Comments