GMR 157: 5 Financial Mistakes to Avoid

Regardless of where you are on your financial journey, avoiding mistakes, especially ones that can have a significant negative impact, is vital. In this episode, we share 5 financial mistakes to avoid that will preserve your wealth and help you achieve your financial and life goals.

5 Financial Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Keeping up with the Joneses

    • Spend on purpose, and you’ll avoid the temptation to compare and keep up with others.

  2. Not setting the next goal

    • Always have the next goal in place before achieving the one you’re working on.

  3. Not protecting your wealth

    • Have proper insurance

    • Manage your cash flow and increase your reserves

  4. Spending before saving

    • Save before you spend. This will ensure you never forsake your financial wealth and future for immediate gratification.

  5. Not diversifying

    • Putting your eggs into one basket is risky. 

    • Invest in different asset classes such as real estate, businesses, stock, and mutual funds.

    • Increase your cash reserve to protect against having to dip into your long-term saving and investments.

Avoiding these mistakes is for everyone, regardless of where you are on a financial journey. Not only will this protect your wealth, but more than likely grow it.


GMR 133: Common -Sense Reasons to Buy Insurance
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Blog: The 5 Biggest Mistakes People Make With Their First Million