GMR 142: Build a Rich and Meaningful Life

Work is an important part of life and a significant contributor to our happiness and fulfillment. You were created to do things, to be useful and fulfilled in your work. If that’s not your current state, listen to this episode of Getting Money Right to learn how you can pursue work that’s meaningful and financially rewarding.

Show Notes

Foundational principles for life

  • Life is not easy.

  • You were created to work - a major part of life that brings value and meaning to your life.

  • Achievement is the trophy you get for your work. Meaning and fulfillment come from the work itself.

  • A happy and fulfilled life must be built on relationships

    • What you do for your family

      • Be there, don’t just provide a lifestyle.

    • What you do for others 

      • Add value to others - help them have a better life.


How did you end up in the job you’re in?

  • It just happened - an opportunity that came and you said “yes.”

  • Parents wanted you to be a lawyer or doctor.

  • You chose something you thought would pay well.

  • You chose something that you were interested in and passionate about.

Work without passion and purpose is meaningless - it will not fully satisfy and fulfill you.

Employee or Entrepreneur?

  • Both have value.

  • You may have started as an employee - are you now being drawn to be an entrepreneur?

    • Right reasons to be an entrepreneur:

      • you want to be in control and are willing to do the work necessary to succeed.

      • The only opportunity to make a difference is to do it on your own. 

      • It’s important and meaningful to you, not just financially beneficial.

    • Wrong reasons 

      • You don’t want anyone to tell you what to do.

      • You want to work half the hours and make twice the money.

Find Your Passion

“Work full-time on your job, work part-time on your passion.”

We live in an economy that rewards hard-work. We’ve been talking about Productivity Growth as a major impactor of the Big Economy, the Macro Economy. Personal productivity is the number one determiner of your personal success. 

That productivity stems from education, natural talents, learned skills, learning how to use new tools.

  • Having unique skills outside of your current job/career field is useful and can someday be financially and personally rewarding.

  • You will never regret having developed additional skills to fall back on, or leverage to carve a different path. 

  • Develop a strategy to pursue your passion and engage in entrepreneurial endeavors as a way to shift to something new, or to increase your happiness, fulfillment, and financial well being.

Having a rich and meaningful life will not happen by chance. It requires a plan and hard work.


Debt tools and other free resources -
Online Budget Course -
David’s website -