GMR 99: Dealing with the Root Causes of Financial Problems, Part 2
Episode 99
Every financial decision is, at least in part, an emotional decision. Have you ever spent money on something and later experienced regret? That’s because sometimes, our choices are reactionary, not consciously understood, or controlled. In this episode of GMR, we address the root issues that often cause our financial problems so that you can experience freedom in your finances.
3 major components of a person; actually 4:
Mental (mind)
Emotional (soul)
Physical (strength)
Spiritual (heart)
The way we approach our financial problems
Outcomes -> Behaviors -> Beliefs
The way we should approach our financial problems
Beliefs -> Behaviors -> Outcomes
4 Bad Roots Caused by Poor Self-Image
5. Past Wounds
A painful experience that causes you to put up walls in your life that later hurt you.
Unhealthy defenses and boundaries to protect open wounds in your emotions and spirit. Just like you’d protect a broken arm, you protect your emotions and spirit, but don’t take time to heal the wound for natural use of the limb.
6. Inner Vows
Vows or promises we make to ourselves after experiencing pain, trying to protect ourselves from ever feeling that pain again.
Not having proper clothes growing up might lead to, “I’ll never tell my kids ‘no’ when it comes to clothing.”
Over controlling parents might lead to, “I will do whatever I want, whenever I want, I didn’t get to experience the things I wanted as a child, so I’ll do what I want as an adult”
7. Bitterness
A missed expectation, that leads to an offense in your life, that causes a wound, that leads to anger, which allows bitterness to seep in, leading to many wrong beliefs about people, about others, and eventually to poor decisions that affect finances and relationships.
8. Lust
Two big components to this:
Lusting after possessions and uncontrolled desires, this can be big or small, but consisted uncontrolled desire in your life will lead to heavy consequences.
Sexual lust and the industry that has grown up around it destroy millions of lives in America. Addiction leads to broken marriages, destroyed finances, and a broken view of the dignity God intended for marriage and each person in that marriage.
9. Greed
The opposite of generosity, if you struggle to be generous and give to others (time, talent, treasure), then you struggle with greed and you probably don’t even know it.
10. Poverty Mentality
Mindsets that consistently lead to poverty.
The belief that there’s no way to get ahead in life.
Consuming resources as soon as you get them, from fear of not having enough in the future, or losing what you have saved.
Anger towards those who are successful or who have accumulated wealth. Viewing wealth as evil or bad, assuming that anyone with money has gotten it by hurting others or taking advantage of another.
Looking for ways to be served, instead of serving others.
Most of these roots are caused by pain, and we need healing to pull out the root.
What is the answer?
Concept of Grace
Not performance-based
Forgiveness of others | Forgiveness of self
What is inner healing? What happens when you get an injury?
It leads to bruising. The same thing happens to us emotionally!
In this case, a bruise is inward bleeding, an internal hurt that needs to be healed.
Inner healing is dealing with the root cause not the symptom.
Starts with recognition - something’s not right!
Takes time and be still:
Look at the things that are driving you.
It almost always requires you to personally identify the root, and then work with someone on strategies for healing.
Professional psychologist.
A friend.
A mentor.
A pastor who specializes in inner healing etc.
Financial mentor or coach (accountability and support).
We are usually healed in relationship.
Just as our wounds often come from an unhealthy relationship, so too can healthy relationships begin the healing work.
Personal Application
Take time and be still.
Look at the things that are driving you.
There are internal things pushing you… are you aware of those inner voices?
Budgeting and Debt Elimination Tools
Jesus on Money by David Thompson -