Posts tagged College
Questioning conventional wisdom on higher education

As parents, we hear so much about saving for college and providing a top-notch higher education for our kids.  We’re told a 4-year college degree is a bare minimum required in today’s job market.  We feel the pressure to follow this conventional wisdom, to make sure our kids get into the best schools, so they can have the opportunity to succeed.  But are we right in following conventional wisdom as it relates to the 4-year college degrees that seem to be the standard for higher education?

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How to Prepare for College Expenses

Regardless what age your child is, funding higher education is something you should be thinking about now.  With the cost of higher education growing between 2 to 4 percent per year for the past 10 years, it’s best to start as soon as possible.  This expense can be daunting, but with a little planning and some practical wisdom, your child can have a great education and pursue their path to career success.

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