Posts tagged Saving
Contentment over compromise

Guest Author: Rachel Rupert

Consumerism is all around us: payment plans, no-interest for the first year, all of these offers and “deals” that convince us to go out and purchase something that, when we look honestly at our bank account and (hopefully) our budget, we can’t really afford. Yet, so many of us buy into it and end up feeling overwhelmed as we face the consequences of an impulsive purchase.

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5 ways to reduce cost and be better prepared for retirement

Many Americans are approaching retirement with inadequate savings.  The fear of running out of money in retirement according a study done by Allianz of 3000 baby boomers revealed that 60% feared running out of money more than they feared dying.  How real is this problem and what can you do if you’re approaching retirement in the next 10 years or less?

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How to Find a Surplus Without Making More Money

I’m going to make an obvious statement.  You’ve heard it before.  In fact, you’ve heard it so much that you’re going to have to fight against the natural response to stop reading and go back to whatever you were doing before you started reading this blog.  I’m trying to warn you ahead of time so that you’ll do the opposite of what you want to do and benefit from what I’m about to share with you.  Ready?  Here it goes!

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Do I need life insurance and how much?

I continue to be surprised how few people have life insurance.  Perhaps it’s our unwillingness to think about the possibility of an untimely death.  Some people think they just don’t need life insurance, or it could be they just don’t know how much life insurance they need.  Well, whatever your reason for not having life insurance, I hope the answers to the questions below will help you make an informed decision.

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What pro athletes can teach us about money

Recently a primetime special, “Back in the Game” aired on CNBC.  Hosted by Alex Rodriquez, the former baseball player, the show focused on retired pro-athlete Joe Smith, who although earning over 6o million dollars over his playing career has little to show for it.  To most people, it seems unimaginable to end up this way, but a large majority of those who think so would end up in the same place if given the same opportunity.

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