Posts tagged Budgeting
Is a Medical Sharing Plan a good option for you?

A topic that has been growing considerable traction amongst the Christian community has been Medishare. Most notably, what has been driving the conversation, has been the extreme rise in health insurance premiums. Questions you may be asking yourself are, how do I protect my budget from rising healthcare costs? And can I get reasonably priced medical coverage without breaking the bank?

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How Addiction Impacts our Finances

When we hear the word addiction, whether it’s in a conversation or in a story on the news, we think of drugs, alcohol, gambling, or some other vice that “other” people in our world battle.  We rarely think of addiction as something we personally deal with.  I believe every person engages in some type of addictive behavior, often several, and the financial impact these can have are significant.

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How to Find a Surplus Without Making More Money

I’m going to make an obvious statement.  You’ve heard it before.  In fact, you’ve heard it so much that you’re going to have to fight against the natural response to stop reading and go back to whatever you were doing before you started reading this blog.  I’m trying to warn you ahead of time so that you’ll do the opposite of what you want to do and benefit from what I’m about to share with you.  Ready?  Here it goes!

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How to save for a vacation

According to an AAA survey, only 35% of American families had planned to take a vacation in 2017. I don’t know what the numbers are for 2018 but my guess is it isn’t much higher. Rest and relaxation is a basic human need, yet a majority of Americans fail to take a yearly vacation. For most of the people who won’t vacation this year the primary reason is not having the money to afford it. But, is this a legitimate reason and is it really true?

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What pro athletes can teach us about money

Recently a primetime special, “Back in the Game” aired on CNBC.  Hosted by Alex Rodriquez, the former baseball player, the show focused on retired pro-athlete Joe Smith, who although earning over 6o million dollars over his playing career has little to show for it.  To most people, it seems unimaginable to end up this way, but a large majority of those who think so would end up in the same place if given the same opportunity.

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Raising Money Smart Kids

There’s been a lot of talk in the news lately about student loans and the growing student loans debt, which currently stands at $1.5 trillion.  To give you a better perspective of this enormous problem, the national credit card debt, which is of great concern is only $1 trillion by comparison.  What does this mean for this and future generations and what can you do to ensure your children don’t become part of this statistic?

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The Importance of Gratitude in Your Finances

Most of us, if asked, would admit that we want more than we already have.  Whether it’s money, relationships, career, or possessions, we’re wired to “reach” for more.  This isn’t always a bad thing.  Considering the innovation we’ve experienced over the past 100 years and how it’s improved life for so many, I’m grateful that we keep reaching forward and upward.  But, when it comes to finances how can we know when reaching for more is not a good thing?

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