Posts tagged Save Money
Is a Medical Sharing Plan a good option for you?

A topic that has been growing considerable traction amongst the Christian community has been Medishare. Most notably, what has been driving the conversation, has been the extreme rise in health insurance premiums. Questions you may be asking yourself are, how do I protect my budget from rising healthcare costs? And can I get reasonably priced medical coverage without breaking the bank?

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5 ways to reduce cost and be better prepared for retirement

Many Americans are approaching retirement with inadequate savings.  The fear of running out of money in retirement according a study done by Allianz of 3000 baby boomers revealed that 60% feared running out of money more than they feared dying.  How real is this problem and what can you do if you’re approaching retirement in the next 10 years or less?

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How to Find a Surplus Without Making More Money

I’m going to make an obvious statement.  You’ve heard it before.  In fact, you’ve heard it so much that you’re going to have to fight against the natural response to stop reading and go back to whatever you were doing before you started reading this blog.  I’m trying to warn you ahead of time so that you’ll do the opposite of what you want to do and benefit from what I’m about to share with you.  Ready?  Here it goes!

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Which should I do first, pay off my credit cards or save?

The key to financial success is consistently making financial decisions that improve your financial position and grow your net-worth.  And the two actions that will impact your success the most are eliminating debt and increasing savings.  So, which should you focus on first?  Is paying off credit cards first the better choice or should saving take priority?

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How to save for a vacation

According to an AAA survey, only 35% of American families had planned to take a vacation in 2017. I don’t know what the numbers are for 2018 but my guess is it isn’t much higher. Rest and relaxation is a basic human need, yet a majority of Americans fail to take a yearly vacation. For most of the people who won’t vacation this year the primary reason is not having the money to afford it. But, is this a legitimate reason and is it really true?

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Empower, Don’t Enable

Just a few weeks before my sixteenth birthday, I remember my mom driving me around to pick up applications at different stores and restaurants.  I reluctantly walked into each place while my mom waited for me to come out with yet another form.  I did this a number of times until I found myself sitting in a booth with the assistant manager of Spring Creek Barbeque.  Finally, I got a job!

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